I disappeared into the world of Montana this summer with daily swims in Flathead Lake, hiking in Glacier Park, eating copious amounts of fruit from the orchard and playing endlessly with my 8, soon to be 10 grandchildren. Summer is now bleeding into fall and on the eve of my 67th birthday I am at the familiar personal evaluation precipice that I find myself every August 31st. What did I learn this year? What did I accomplish? Did I love more fully? Live more courageously?
Following Warren Buffet’s lead, today I dumped my few remaining stocks related to fossil fuels and began a search for ‘alternative energy’ companies to invest in. The ‘energy sector’, as it is called in the world of investment always fascinated me because it is volatile and fraught with political entanglements.
The day after the presidential election a total stranger on the Muni complimented me on my boots and asked me where I got them. She was young, wearing a jean jacket and a had blue ribbon in her dark, curly hair. The boots were ordinary and I had been wearing them for years,